The oral session room is equipped with a LCD projector and a Windows Laptop with PowerPoint and Acrobat PDF reader. Please do your best to use the room laptop and upload your PPT file on it before the beginning of the session. If you need to use your own laptop due to special reasons (only in case of requiring specific software for your presentation or in case of major compatibility problems), please check the connection with the projector before the session starts. Please arrive early enough to meet the session chair and to tell him/her your name, affiliation and the title of your paper before the session starts. The presentation time is 20 minutes. This includes speaker transition, setting up your computer (if needed), and question & answers. So each speaker will have to finish his/her talk within 15~17 minutes to have enough time for question & answers. |
Presenters are also responsible for mounting their own poster to the poster board prior to the opening of the poster session. All presenters must remain by their poster during the poster session. |
A. Poster Specification |
Posters must be designed to fit a 90cm wide x 120cm tall board (A0 size). Posters may be prepared as a single poster or as several smaller sections (using A4 or letter sized papers) mounted together. The heading of the poster should list the paper title, author(s) name(s), and affiliation(s). The content of the poster should include introduction, related work, proposal, development/experimental results, and conclusion. |
B. Poster Setup and Removal |
Posters can be attached to the boards by push pins, which will be provided on-site. Posters must be set up by presenter at least 10 minutes before the poster session starts. Posters must be taken down by presenter right after the poster session is over. Posters not removed by 10 minutes after the session is over will be removed by staff. |